Welcome to Dhamma School
Buddharashmi is the website for Dhamma School. Founded in 1969 Rahula Dhamma School is maintained by the London Buddhist Vihara.
In March 2020, nurseries, schools, and colleges in the United Kingdom were shut down in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Rahula Dhamma School was closed for all in-person teaching. Education recovery of the Dhamma School is taking place now and in-person teaching is expected to return in the coming months.
For the last 48 years the Vihara’s Dhamma classes for children have been conducted without a break. During this period many children have sat for the examinations conducted by YMBA, Colombo, Sri Lanka, and they have successfully completed their studies.
Besides the practice and study of Dhamma, there are many Sri Lankan Buddhists who wish to keep their heritage at the forefront of their family living. With this in mind, Sinhala language classes are held for children after the Dhamma class.
In past years there has been an opportunity for students to sit for G.C.E. O/level examinations in Sinhala here in Britain. Many children have passed the examination.

There are a number of teachers who have dedicated their time and effort to teach the Dhamma in the past and who are still doing so. It will be a difficult task to list all these names so we simply thank them all for their valuable contribution.
We have now approximately 150 children on the register and every year it is growing in number. All Buddhist parents are encouraged to use this golden opportunity to teach their children valuable Buddhist ethics and practice which are not available in their day-to-day school curriculum. Please enroll your children for the classes at the first opportunity. Children can attend the classes at the age of 4 1/2 years.
The London Buddhist Vihara is a leading center for Theravada Buddhism. Formed in 1926 by Anagarika Dharmapala, the Vihara was the first Buddhist monastery to be established outside the continent of Asia.

Buddhist Heritage
Articles on Buddhism and Buddhist sites. News on the Buddhist world and recent developments.

Spread of Buddhism
A chronicle on Spread of Buddhism, Theravada Buddhism, A Chronology. Timeline of Buddhism.

A collection of popular books on Buddhism and Dhamma listed with topic, author and synopsis.

Buddhist Councils
Buddhist Councils comprises an introduction and six sub pages containing details on the six Buddhist Councils that took place since 544 BCE to 1954 CE.

Abhidhamma is the 3rd and last part of the Buddhist Pali Canon. Read ‘Introducing Buddhist Abhidhamma Meditation and Concentration’

Download documents on core material of Budddha Dhamma. Some are published books available in PDF format.